I sent money using RCUpay, and forgot the security word. What should I do?
You can find your chosen security word in digital banking on the RCUpay page under the Pending tab.
Important information about RCUpay transactions:
- Your recipient must claim the funds within 10 calendar days. If the recipient doesn't pick up their funds within 10 calendar days, the transaction will be cancelled, and the funds will be deposited back into the sender’s account.
- Please make sure your email address is current. Email communications about the status of the RCUpay payment are sent until the funds have been claimed. If you need to update your email address, go to Profile & Settings and update your profile Contact Info.
Mobile Process
If you're using a mobile device, follow the steps below. For computers, go to the desktop steps
On the bottom menu, select Move Money.
Select Send Money (RCUpay).
Tap the Pending tab to review the details of your RCUpay transaction, including your chosen security word.
The security word you chose is displayed in the details of each transaction. Please also confirm the email address or cell phone number you entered.
You can resend the notification text or email to your recipient by tapping Resend text or Resend email (based on how you originally selected your recipient). You will still need to provide them the security code separately.
You can view the status of your transaction by clicking History:
- Complete - Receiver has entered the security word and financial institution information to claim the funds.
- Pending - Funds have been debited from the sender account and are waiting to be picked up by the receiver.
Note: You can resend the RCUpay texts by selecting "Resend text" located under the status. If you send an email, the selection will be "Resend email" - Canceled - The sender has stopped the transaction.
- Expired - The receiver has not entered the security word and financial information to claim the funds within 10 calendar days.
Desktop Process
If you're using a computer, follow the steps below. For mobile devices, go to the mobile steps
Select Move Money from the top navigation.
Click the Send Money (RCUpay) option in the left sidebar.
Click Pending to review the details of your RCUpay transaction.
The security word is displayed in the details of each transaction. Please also confirm the email address or cell phone number you entered.
You can resend the notification text or email to your recipient by clicking Resend text or Resend email (based on how you originally selected your recipient). You will still need to provide them the security code separately.
You can view the status of your transaction by clicking History:
- Complete - Receiver has entered the security word and financial institution information to claim the funds.
- Pending - Funds have been debited from the sender account and are waiting to be picked up by the receiver.
Note: You can resend the RCUpay texts by selecting "Resend text" located under the status. If you send an email, the selection will be "Resend email" - Canceled - The sender has stopped the transaction.
- Expired - The receiver has not entered the security word and financial information to claim the funds within 10 calendar days.