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Can I receive my first mortgage statements electronically?

RCU digital banking offers paperless statements to all Members who hold a first mortgage with us. By opting to receive mortgage your statements electronically, you can reduce paper usage and minimize waste, as well as enjoy enhanced security. To opt in to paperless mortgage statements:


If you're using a mobile device, follow the steps below. For computers, go to the desktop steps

From the home screen, under Loans & Credit, select your mortgage.

Enabling paperless first mortgage statements in mobile, step 1

Tap Pay/More Info.

Enabling paperless statements on your first mortgage in mobile, step 2

Under Pay/More Info, select View More Details.

Enabling paperless statements on your first mortgage in mobile, step 3

Tap the menu and select E-statement, then Paperless Statement.

Enabling paperless statements on your first mortgage in mobile, step 6

Review and accept the Paperless Statement Agreement and select Initiate Request to Stop Paper statement

Enabling paperless statements on your first mortgage in mobile, step 8

Your first mortgage paperless statement request has been submitted. If you wish to cancel your request tap Cancel Request to Stop Paper statement.

After submitting, you will receive an email confirming your selection.

set up paperless statements (eStatements) for my RCU first mortgage mobile step 6


If you're using a computer, follow the steps below. For mobile devices, go to the mobile steps

From the left side of your dashboard, under Loans & Credit select your mortgage.

Enabling paperless statements on your first mortgage on desktop, step 1

From the Mortgage screen, select Pay/More Info.

Enabling paperless statements on your first mortgage on desktop, step 2

Click View More Details.

Enabling paperless statements on your first mortgage on desktop, step 3

From the top menu, select eStatements and then Paperless Statements.

Enabling paperless statements on your first mortgage on desktop, step 4

Review and accept the Paperless Statement Agreement and select Initiate Request to Stop Paper statement.

Enabling paperless statements on your first mortgage on desktop, step 5

Your first mortgage paperless statement request has been submitted. If you wish to cancel your request, click Cancel Request to Stop Paper statement.

After submitting, you will receive an email confirming your selection.

set up paperless statements (eStatements) for my RCU first mortgage desktop step 6

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