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Donec sollicitudin nisi quis velit tincidunt, in varius leo vulputate. Suspendisse nec risus gravida, tincidunt diam at, eleifend nisi. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Curabitur in nibh bibendum, convallis sapien eu,
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1Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vitae neque lacinia, lacinia ante pulvinar, facilisis lectus. Aenean molestie tincidunt porttitor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas auctor varius egestas.
2In eu libero vitae sapien dapibus mattis. Mauris in risus ullamcorper, gravida mi a, aliquet nisi. Praesent in ornare augue. Maecenas eleifend lectus vitae purus fringilla cursus. Ut vel diam tincidunt, sollicitudin ipsum eget, dictum est. Sed eu neque lorem. Pellentesque sagittis felis vel urna vestibulum semper. Phasellus eu mi tempus, viverra lectus eget, fermentum metus.3Duis vulputate mattis sapien, eget tincidunt diam eleifend vitae. Maecenas sed arcu diam. Nulla facilisi. Quisque lectus purus, accumsan tincidunt facilisis a, tincidunt venenatis risus. Aliquam dui metus, dapibus eget dolor ac, eleifend condimentum eros. Sed sed orci sed est pellentesque egestas. Duis sagittis efficitur ullamcorper. Phasellus gravida venenatis consequat. Maecenas interdum massa diam, et laoreet metus vulputate ut. Aenean dolor neque, blandit et vehicula eu, bibendum quis purus.
PPP Forgiveness Application Deadline
Congress passed The Economic Aid Act which changed the deferment period from 6 months post covered period to 10 months post covered period. For example, if your covered period ended June 30, 2021, under the new guidelines the earliest your first loan payment wouldn’t be due until April 2022, and you have until then to request forgiveness. Please use the following calculation to help you identify when your forgiveness will be due:
- PPP borrowers may select a covered period anywhere from 8 weeks to 24 weeks.
- RCU is automatically calculating your loan due date based on a 24-week covered period, if you intend on using a shorter covered period please inform us immediately as this will impact your due date.
- Your correct deadline will be reflected in your online banking account.
If all or part of your PPP loan is not forgiven, your first loan payment will be due the first of the following month after a decision is made by the SBA.
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