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Trust & Will

Secure your family's legacy

From wills to estate planning, protect your family’s future with ease.

Trust & Will

The leading online estate planning platform in the US.

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Cras id quam sem. Suspendisse ut dignissim tellus, ut interdum dolor. Nam quis nibh a elit iaculis semper. Sed vitae egestas risus. Maecenas eu est magna. Sed pellentesque massa in purus.

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Donec sollicitudin nisi quis velit tincidunt, in varius leo vulputate. Suspendisse nec risus gravida, tincidunt diam at, eleifend nisi. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Curabitur in nibh bibendum, convallis sapien eu,

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We would love to help

  • We are not a law firm, and we are not a substitute for a lawyer or a law firm. We cannot give
    legal advice, guidance, or services. No attorney-client relationship is formed by any interactions
    with us and information provided to us is not protected by the attorney-client privilege.
    That being said, we do offer Attorney Support services in some states. Click here to find out
    which states have Attorney Support available

  • Most people complete a Will in 15 minutes, and a Trust in about 20 minutes. All of your answers
    are saved as you go, so feel free to pause and come back to pick up where you left off at any

  • Wills and Trusts have a lot of overlap, but also a lot of differences.
    Wills are simpler documents that let you name guardians for kids and pets, designate where
    assets go, and specify final arrangements. The simplicity of a Will does come with some
    drawbacks: a Will offers more limited control over the distribution of assets and often has to go
    through a probate process after death.
    Like a Will, a Trust also controls the disposition of assets but provides greater control over when
    and how your assets are distributed. Trusts only apply to assets held in the Trust, so you will
    need to transfer assets to the Trust. This makes a Trust a little more complex to set up, but it
    brings a major benefit. Trusts are also often used to minimize or avoid probate entirely, which
    can be a huge draw for many and justifies the additional work upfront needed to create a Trust.
    Both are ways to say who will receive your assets – Each has different ways of distributing those
    assets, as well as different advantages and disadvantages.
    You can learn more about Trusts and Wills here!

  • 1. Click “Summary” from the menu bar on the left side of the page.
    2. Scroll to the section you’d like to update and click on it. That takes you back to the
    relevant questions and allows you to edit your answer. Remember to click “Save &
    Continue” to save the changes!
    3. Click “Save & Exit” to return to the Summary page.
    You can request a shipment* of the latest version of your documents or download and print from
    your account. Learn how to download and print your documents here.

  • The annual membership offers many benefits to Trust & Will users! Pricing and more info are
    The first year from the purchase date is free of charge. After that, pricing depends on the Estate
    Plan you choose:
    ● Will-based Estate Plan: $19 per year
    ● Trust-based Estate Plan: $39 per year
    Once enrolled in the annual membership, you’ll receive access to
    ● Our Document Upload feature lets you store digital copies of important documents (Such
    as deeds, banking info, vehicle titles, etc.) along with your Estate Plan
    ● Our Shared Access feature, which allows you to share your Estate Plan digitally and
    uploaded docs with loved ones
    ● Access to edit your Estate Plan as life unfolds
    ● Access to download your documents free of charge, at any point in time

  • Signing your Trust or Will is generally a simple process and must be completed to make your
    documents legally binding. Learn more here!

  • ● Store in a safe place
    ● Notify loved ones of the location
    ● Review & update your documents every year
    Having a discussion about your estate plan can be a great way to share your wishes and
    prevent conflict. Even if you’re hesitant to share details, you should consider letting your family,
    Executors or Successor Trustees, and loved ones know that you have an Estate Plan and
    where the original signed document is located.

  • A safe deposit box is a secure location, however, it may not be the best place to keep your
    Estate Plan. It can be complicated and time-consuming for your loved ones to access your safe
    deposit box to search for an Estate Plan. This could be an issue if there are time-sensitive
    issues, such as needing someone to make health care decisions on your behalf.

  • Creating your Trust is the first part of the estate planning process. After you sign your Trust
    document, the next step is funding it. The process of funding a trust involves transferring assets
    to it. This is what will prevent your assets from passing through probate.
    Learn more with our Trust Funding Guide!


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  • 1Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vitae neque lacinia, lacinia ante pulvinar, facilisis lectus. Aenean molestie tincidunt porttitor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas auctor varius egestas.
    2In eu libero vitae sapien dapibus mattis. Mauris in risus ullamcorper, gravida mi a, aliquet nisi. Praesent in ornare augue. Maecenas eleifend lectus vitae purus fringilla cursus. Ut vel diam tincidunt, sollicitudin ipsum eget, dictum est. Sed eu neque lorem. Pellentesque sagittis felis vel urna vestibulum semper. Phasellus eu mi tempus, viverra lectus eget, fermentum metus.

    3Duis vulputate mattis sapien, eget tincidunt diam eleifend vitae. Maecenas sed arcu diam. Nulla facilisi. Quisque lectus purus, accumsan tincidunt facilisis a, tincidunt venenatis risus. Aliquam dui metus, dapibus eget dolor ac, eleifend condimentum eros. Sed sed orci sed est pellentesque egestas. Duis sagittis efficitur ullamcorper. Phasellus gravida venenatis consequat. Maecenas interdum massa diam, et laoreet metus vulputate ut. Aenean dolor neque, blandit et vehicula eu, bibendum quis purus.

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