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My family/friend gifted me their vehicle. What do I need to bring to RCU DMV Services to transfer the title into my name?

To complete the transfer of ownership on the California title and registration, all involved parties need to bring a valid photo ID.* You will also need to bring the current registration card, California title that is free of a lien/lien holder and passing smog certificate if applicable. If the registration is expiring within 75 days of your appointment, payment of the full registration fees for the next year will be required. Please note that we can currently only transfer ownership on California titles. According to California DMV, a gift transfer cannot be done if there are contract transfers, vehicle swaps, a lien/lienholder, or any other valuable consideration involved. You must be an RCU Member to utilize RCU DMV Services.

*If the family member/friend will not present, you must obtain their required information/signature on the California title prior to your appointment.

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