RCU's Routing Number: 321177586
What is Redwood Credit Union's routing and transit (ABA) number?
Our routing and transit (ABA) number is 321177586. This number applies to all RCU branches and locations, as well as all account types, including savings, checking and investment accounts.
What is a routing number?
Routing numbers are nine-digit numbers that identify your bank or credit union in a financial transaction. It’s also referred to as an RTN, a routing transit number or an ABA routing number. You can find the routing number on your bank statement, the bottom left corner of your personal checks and within online or mobile banking.
When do I need routing numbers?
You will need your routing number in a variety of situations, including:
- Setting up direct deposit
- Tax return deposits
- Transferring money between financial institutions
- Paying bills by direct debit
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is my account number?
- How do I set up an External Transfer in the RCU Online Banking?
- How can I transfer money between my RCU account and my accounts at another financial institution in RCU Online banking?
- Can I stop or change my request to transfer funds in RCU Online banking?
- Can I pay my RCU loan using an External Transfer in RCU Online banking?
- How do I transfer money from my Economic Impact Payment (EIP) card to my RCU account?
- Can I pay my RCU loan by debiting my account electronically at another financial institution?
- How do I set up a recurring transfer between my accounts in RCU Online banking?
- How do I send money to another RCU Member in RCU Online banking?
- How can I make a loan payment in RCU Online banking?
PPP Forgiveness Application Deadline
Congress passed The Economic Aid Act which changed the deferment period from 6 months post covered period to 10 months post covered period. For example, if your covered period ended June 30, 2021, under the new guidelines the earliest your first loan payment wouldn’t be due until April 2022, and you have until then to request forgiveness. Please use the following calculation to help you identify when your forgiveness will be due:
- PPP borrowers may select a covered period anywhere from 8 weeks to 24 weeks.
- RCU is automatically calculating your loan due date based on a 24-week covered period, if you intend on using a shorter covered period please inform us immediately as this will impact your due date.
- Your correct deadline will be reflected in your online banking account.
If all or part of your PPP loan is not forgiven, your first loan payment will be due the first of the following month after a decision is made by the SBA.
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