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Redwood Credit Union's (RCU's) dedicated leadership is committed to ensuring RCU’s Member-Owners receive the best service and value available.

RCU Board of Directors

RCU’s volunteer Board of Directors sets strategic direction and policies for the Credit Union. Our Board Members, who are elected by the Credit Union membership, serve 3-year terms.

Audit & Enterprise Risk Committee

RCU’s volunteer Audit & Enterprise Risk Committee oversees the audit function for the Credit Union. The Committee members are appointed by the Board of Directors.

RCU President & CEO

Brett Martinez

Brett Martinez has served Redwood Credit Union’s Members since 2002, and became President & CEO in 2004. He has more than 35 years of credit union experience, including service on numerous industry boards, and many accolades for his achievements.

Senior Leadership

RCU Services Group Board of Directors

RCU’s wholly owned subsidiary, RCU Services Group, offers insurance and auto purchasing/brokerage services.

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